
Monday, December 13, 2010

Cover Letter

Five common cover letters mistakes

With every resume submission, you should have a cover letter that accompanies it and presents you as a positive and qualified nominee for the job. A cover letter should highlight field of your resume which promote your professional experience, and should address any dispute an employer may have roughly hiring you for the job. There are five common cover letter mistakes outlined below that you must avoid in outcome to get through the first round of resume survey and action one step closer to becoming the post that you want.

1. Addressing the cover letter using a generic greeting, or misspelling the name of the personal liaison or the company. The address column is the mass prominent components of the cover letter; it should be included even if the cover letter is sent via email. Generic greetings are not favored; they type it seem like you have a miniature for your cover letter and you simply send it to all employers you are interested in campaign for. Do the research and discovery out who the appropriate conspiracy is for the frame letter. However, type sure that they name and the band name is spelled correctly. If your address column contains errors, your cover letter likely to never make it to the hiring manager.

2. Telling the firm what they will do for your career. Simply stated, employers behavior approx your atitudes and what you will do for the company. Do not spend your time informing the visitor how handling for them will be great for your career. While that could be true, it certainly is not what the employers wants to hear. Your potential employers wants to hear how you will prerogative their team; they demand to know what you will bring to the table that is innovative, and focused on results. Make sure that your resume lets your employer know just why you are the best nominee for the job.

3. You re-state your resume. Do not go over the intelligence that is in your resume in your cover letter. Your cover letter is meant to entice, and provoke the employer to coverage your resume in great detail. Re-stating the data in your resume doesn’t address what the employers shortage to know, which concerns reasons why you are the best examinee for the job. Highlight certain domain of your resume but do so in the connection of your career destination and how such abilities right the company.

4. Starting every decree with “I”. While your cover letter is closely you, starting each assessment this technique evidence type your employer believe that your interaction atitudes are not up to the height of your professional background. Discuss your qualifications, your purpose and what you bring to the table in terms of the company, and your professional attributes.

5. Asking the employer to provocation you at their convenience. The mass generic closing declaration in frame knowledge ask the employer to liaison you at their convenience. If you are truly excited roughly the occasion with the employer, you won’t poverty to expectation for them to summons you back whenever they sense like it. What you should do instead is let them know when you shortage to follow up – and then do follow up. Close your casing missives by renting your potential employer know that you testaments liaison them, as well as the way in which you testaments do so. This shows your interest, and your take-charge attitude.

1 comment:

  1. This is some great information Karen. I found your blog from a listing on eHow. It is especially timely since I have spent some unsuccessful time searching for the next job. I take the advice of preparing the cover letter for each application to heart and will finish out 2010 placing cover letters with applications this last week of the year. Keep up the good work, Eddie Seaton AKA MISSISSIPPI2020.
